Autism Core Training for Psychiatrists – Commissioned by Health Education England and being delivered nationally between November 2019 and March 2020 this training will cover a number of areas including:

  • Improving knowledge of the underpinning values and attitudes needed to enable staff to provide Autistic people with a service which values their rights
  • Delivering a basic understanding of autism awareness
  • Increasing understanding of Autistic traits and how these can have positive and negative impacts
  • Increasing understanding of sensory sensitivities and how these can impact in Autism
  • Increasing understanding of the increased rates of mental and physical disorders facing Autistic people
  • Increasing understanding of the difficulties Autistic people might face in accessing help and treatment
  • Increasing awareness of the range and ways in which reasonable adjustments can be applied in non-specialist services
  • Increasing knowledge and understanding about key legislation and national policy and how these apply to non-specialist services e.g.  MHA code of practice, CTR, Care Act, Autism Act
  • To increase knowledge and understanding of what types of help are available for Autistic people (whilst not glossing over the many gaps)